An Avalanche of Love Bouquet

from £45.00

White avalanche roses tied with fresh greenery. Just gorgeous.

Please note, green hypericum berries are not always available, if they are not in season they will be replaced with other gorgeous fresh greenery.

If you would like more than 24 roses in your bouquet please give us a call.

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White avalanche roses tied with fresh greenery. Just gorgeous.

Please note, green hypericum berries are not always available, if they are not in season they will be replaced with other gorgeous fresh greenery.

If you would like more than 24 roses in your bouquet please give us a call.

White avalanche roses tied with fresh greenery. Just gorgeous.

Please note, green hypericum berries are not always available, if they are not in season they will be replaced with other gorgeous fresh greenery.

If you would like more than 24 roses in your bouquet please give us a call.